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Test Anxiety 101

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

Each daunting experience in life, no matter the size or shape, has been a test.  How I have chosen to face each test has painted the portrait — a realistic and true reflection — of the person I am … and have become.

As a Christian, I must admit that there have always been tests … tests to choose GOD from Satan, right from wrong, good from evil, family from friendship, hard work from laziness, honesty from lies, good stewardship from greed, humility from power, integrity from popularity.  Yes, the “testing ground” has always been there — its dubious trenches never ceasing.  However, with the successful hurdle of each test, there has come change … and with each change encountered, spiritual growth has matured into seeing GOD’s plan above my own … thus, living a more GOD-centered life.

So if I must face each anxious moment, knowing that somehow through such a challenge I will be able to see Jesus more clearly in focus than at the beginning of such a test, then allow me to face each test one by one with the trustful endurance of having Jesus Christ by my side, so that, at the end of each “Test Anxiety 101″ class, I will have learned that HE is able to deliver me throughout every trying moment.

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